Community-led natural resources management
Our goal is for the communities in Cuando Cubango to effectively manage their wildlife, forestry, and fisheries.
Angola’s war had a significant impact on wildlife and other natural resources. Over-exploitation of bushmeat has led to the collapse of several species, both inside and outside protected areas. Poaching, bushmeat hunting and illegal logging continue to pose a significant threat to wildlife and forestry resources in Cuando Cubango. Climate change further impacts communities and wildlife, with lower rainfall often leading to crop failure, increasing human-wildlife conflict as animals move into settlement areas in search of water, and increased sedimentation in streams and rivers. Combined, these issues further threaten the survival of people and natural resources.
Because the communities living in Cuando Cubango, including those in and around protected areas, are highly dependent on natural resources for their livelihoods, they are critical to the recovery and preservation of wildlife and biodiversity in the province. One of ACADIR’s priorities in the next five years will be to equip communities with the necessary skills, tools and systems needed to have a voice and lead the management of natural resources.